Just Ended: My Smart Hands Baby Sign Dictionary App Review & Giveaway! Ends 3/1/13 Click here
Have a sign language product (or product that somehow ties into our lives with an almost 2-year-old, a working family, a mom in school, a SLP, etc!) you would like be reviewed? Email Us!
Have a sign language product (or product that somehow ties into our lives with an almost 2-year-old, a working family, a mom in school, a SLP, etc!) you would like be reviewed? Email Us!
1. ASL Baby Sign Dictionary App Review (giveaway ended) (click here)
2. ASL Dictionary App Review:
Click here!

3. Signing Books "Dear Zoo"! This website has the great idea of having the illustrated story with signing, speaking, and most of the times the original words from the book. Each story is slightly different; some more interactive and illustrated than others. SigningStories has a variety of books for different age groups. You can fast forward or rewind the story. The con that I saw was I got excited when I saw 'buy this' thinking maybe I could buy some permanent download for my computer to have this read signing book on my computer (like a digital format if you will) but it's just a link to the actual book (no signing). I understand this isn't anything to buy (which actually makes it better right?!) but it's definitely a must have! (January 16, 2012)
4. Fun With Abby and Alyssa Book series by Grandpa Don. Check out our review on this great new book series! It's a fun easy reader for early readers!

6. Mama's Like Me posted a very nice product review on Baby Signing Time Volume 3: "A New Day" we sent for review! Check it out: http://www.mamaslikeme.com/2012/03/baby-signing-time-review-giveaway.html
7. Train Up a Child posted a great review on the Bible Fun http://trainupachildlearnaswego.blogspot.com/2012/03/hear-my-hands-review.html
Here's a great YouTube video about it (click here).
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