Wednesday, April 11, 2012

sign: BLOCKS for WTSW

Thanks Robin H. for the suggestion of BLOCKS for What's the Sign Wednesday.

BLOCKS is a great one because you can talk about colors. (Here's some colors we've done thus far:)
(more coming soon with our Brown Bear Brown Bear rendition!)

BLOCKS are great because you can talk about ON top, fall down, and build UP. My little fingers is just starting to play with BLOCKS, knock them down and build them UP - so cute.

There are variations to this sign. I am looking for the other variations to show you
but I might have to take pictures. Sometimes the sign BOX or BRICKS are used for BLOCKS.
Times like this it's important to remember, ASL isn't English-based and there isn't a word-to-word correlation.
We'll talk more about that another time ;)

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