Tuesday, April 10, 2012

sign: BABY for Supporting the March of Dimes Walk!

I am very proud to support my cousin's team, Jack Attack, for the March of Dimes Walk again this year so today's sign is BABY. 

This sign means a lot to me as Little Fingers is my first BABY, I understand the challenges some face trying to conceive, I work with infants and toddlers who need medical attention, and now Lil is saying and signing BABY - which is just the icing on the cake.   
Please don't forget to go check out Team Jack Attack and support an awesome cause! 

It's amazing how even the littlest donation can go such a long way. 


  1. How great! We signed with our children when they were pre-verbal. It is so cool to see ways that signing can give children a voice. Thanks for linking up!

  2. March of dimes is an organization very near and dear to my heart as well. It breaks my heart to know 2 babies aren't here and as a mom I cant imagine the heartache. My daughter, Gabrielle was born 2 month early weighing 2.11. I was very blessed that she continued to thrive and after a monthbin the NICU she was able to come home. She is a healthy little girl abduction I know that the March of Dimes and the contributions made stayed a huge role in helping her. Important very sorry to the Jack family and if I lived locally I would want to walk with them. I also taught my daughter basic signs and still use some because her vocabulary isn't large (she is almost 2) and it amazes me how she picks it up. I wish I knew more!I found you through the fb hop and feel blessed to have landed on your site!


  3. My 12 month old is beginning to sign back and I just LOVE it! It makes me feel so connected to her. And I truly believe all the sign language we worked on with my toddler resulted in how verbal she is today. Great post!!

    Thanks for linking up on Teagan's Travels. I hope you'll be able to join this week's party going on now.


    Thanks, Michelle @Teagan's Travels
