Monday, April 9, 2012

sign: MEET for Meet Sandy and & her story (Signing and Down Syndrome)

Today we have a guest post from Sandy, a mother of a young beautiful girl with down syndrome. She has some great words to share about her experiences with Adeline and sign language. 

Before Adeline was born I had no experience with sign language or down syndrome, so when her Early Interventionist recommended to learn sign language I was surprised.  She recommended that we start with the Baby Signing Time DVDs and she gave us one.  We played it for Adeline and she loved it,  seeing the babies and hearing the music was very simulating.  

During the first year we were a bit inconsistent in teaching Adeline signs.  I received a lot of mixed information from different therapist and I was confused.  Adeline's EI encouraged us to use it, but her speech therapist at the time did not recommend it.  We did keep using the DVD's because Adeline loved them and I really liked the connection between the sign and the written word.  Adeline learned so much on her own by just watching the DVD's.  She was like a sponge with these. 

Now that Adeline is getting a little older, she will be three in April, I have noticed that  she is much quicker to use a new word if she uses the sign with it.  She will do both the sign and say the word.  It seems to help her connect her communication.  When she wants a cookie she will sign and say "cookie please", "thank you".  I feel that the sign is helping give her a prompt for her words.

If I had a chance to do it all over again I would have been more consistent with the sign language from the very beginning.   I don't think that she needs to learn hundreds of words but the important words in her environment have been helpful.  It has helped her make a request and let us know what she needs.

Sandy has a great blog WeCanDoAllThings. Sandy's passionate about letting parents know that even if your child does learn differently it is Ok, and you as a parent can help them and work with them. She's proud of homeschooling her family and plans on doing the same with Adeline. Check her site for some great tips to teach young children gross and fine motor skills, language concepts, math concepts - and the best part her awesome pictures show just how much fun Adeline is having learning these great concepts!

... and her button...
We Can Do All Things

I didn't forget :)

The Sign: MEET!

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