Thursday, April 12, 2012

sign: 9. Southern SAHM follow up on her product review

Check out Caitlin's thoughts a couple weeks after introducing Baby Signing Time Volume 4 to her son. (Click here). 

A few weeks ago she did a review (here) being a new-comer to sign language. Her son took right to the DVD and enjoyed it immediately! 

Now - he has NINE signs! NINE! 

He is a true testament that sign language is not only fun and entertaining, but it sticks! And he is increasing his expressive language vocabulary using sign language. Kuddos Southern SAHM! I'm so glad he likes the DVD and learned some great signs!

What does your child think of Baby Signing Time?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! My daughter is really interested in sign language (she's 3). Happy to have found you, and thanks for stopping by my blog! Following you now! :)
