Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving signing special handouts and worksheets for you!

Here are some sign language Thanksgiving specials 
just for you!

Thank you to everyone participating so far in our 
Give Thanks Week! 
Monday's winner will be announced very soon!

Need this file, email us. Or find it on our TPT store (for free), click here and here


  1. I always loved teaching sign language to young children. Thanks so much for sharing these! I featured your printables as the Free Printable(s) of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow

  2. I just found your website and love it. I am teaching my son ASL (and me along the way) and your resources are wonderful for starting out. I love these printables. I am actually going to start doing a weekly ASL feature on my blog because I feel it is so important for young kids.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing at Mom's Library this last week. My kids would love to learn more sign language and your site is a great resource. I featured you today!

