Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday's Giving Thanks - sign language giveaway

So this week I decided to give away some of my favorite sign language products during what I call the Week of Thanks.

Monday: I am thankful for my family... I know - cliche, right? My family has kept me strong during these crazy times, working full-time, having a 1 1/2 year old run around, finishing up my doctorate... I even have the dish fairy come over periodically to help me with dishes! (a.k.a my mother).  So Thank you to my family!

Today's free sign language products are:
Signing Time Board Book #2: PlayTime Signs
100 Signs for Emergencies (great small quick resource!)

How to enter: 
1. Go to our Facebook page
2. Like us on Facebook
3. Under this thread on Facebook, tell us what you are thankful for this holiday season.
4. You will automatically be entered into our giveaway starting 3pm EST 11/19/12 and ending 11pm EST 11/19/12.
If you don't win, don't worry - these same products might be included in our sales next week or you might win something else tomorrow!
The winner will be announced here and on Facebook and will have 24 hours to email us their address for the winning products to be shipped.

Stay tuned for our flashcard giveaway, parent guides, DVDs, and MORE!

Don't forget to ...

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