Monday, January 30, 2012

sign: HURT & DOCTOR- Mommy's boo boo

So a week ago I was making Lil's baby food like I always do, but this time I had a slight knife accident... I ended up getting stitches in my thumb! That made for quite the night and whole next day (when I finally decided to seek medical attention ... and as a result, stitches).  The doctor wasn't happy with me that I didn't seek medical attention the night of the incident but I figured I've been through way more severe things (e.g. child birth!). 
compliments of
sign: DOCTOR. Some make a D handshape at the palm-up
wrist and some sign it this way

compliments of Sign2Me
Today the stitches finally came out - can I say 'ou-wee' again! Ouch! But, now I can get back to business - making baby food, washing my hair with both hands, getting the tabs on her diaper without a 5 minute ordeal! ... Oh - the adventures of motherhood!

**Note** about the sign HURT. It's called a 'directional sign' - meaning if your head HURTS you can move the sign to your head region and ta-da! The sign then becomes HEADACHE. If your tummy HURTS, you merely sign HURT in your tummy region and the sign becomes TUMMY ACHE. Now don't go to the extreme! Don't kick your leg up to show me a boo boo HURT on your shin! Merely sign HURT in neutral space in front of you and point to the spot! Don't worry. We'll teach more tips soon enough! 

**Learn these and other great signs in our upcoming classes! 
Check out our "Classes" page for more details!!**


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Alejandra - yes it's amazing how we take the simplest things for granted!

    The sign for DOCTOR - think of the 'B' or 'four' handshape. so count four fingers put together (thumb under) and tap your non-dominant wrist. *Think of how the doctor takes your pulse and holds his fingers on your wrist ...

    Does that help?

    Thanks for the award!!

  3. I got it! Thanks. I thought I'd come back to this post, I had a feeling you had replied back here. Your Welcome, I love your blog, I'ved learned many signs already.
