Tuesday, January 31, 2012

sign: GRANDMA'S in town!

Lil's grandma (aka gramma) and grandpa came to town for a couple days! That means extra hands for mommy and daddy! Score! It's great that they get to see her. Each time they come, she either has more teeth, or closer to walking, or saying more sounds ... this time they get to see her sign!

Lil enjoyed her time with her grandparents... and mommy here is very appreciative to all the help received from just a short amount of time!

Compliments of Sign2Me


  1. Aw! Lucky, my mom lives further now, so my son won't get the chance to really use the grandma sign. It's amazing how your little one is already signing! I think my favorite signs are grandma and wonderful, they're almost close to dance movements.

  2. Yes we're fortunate to see them about 4 times a year :) Thanks for all the comments :) greatly appreciated!
