Friday, March 1, 2013

My Smart Hands App Giveaway extended!

Since I went MIA (read "SURPRISE" blog post) on everyone during the last few days of the giveaway, I saved one of the codes for the free app for an extension!

Here's the original review (click here)

To Enter: comment below (that's it!) by the end of Monday 4th.

Good luck!


  1. <3 this is my comment to win... hopefully :D

  2. I would love to win this for my little boy :-)

  3. Wow, that looks great!! Thanks!

  4. Would love to win this as I am losing my hearing. I have been learning ASL but would love a good app to practice on the go.

  5. I am learning ASL, any and all assistance is appreciated

  6. I would love to skype and chat in ASL I am currently taking ASL 4 in college. I could really use someone who is fluent to practice with. not to mention I am also hard of hearing so it is a double win for me.
