Monday, February 25, 2013

sign: COLOR. some toddler friendly fun this weekend

This weekend I decided Little Fingers is old enough for mini-lessons and fun activities to start learning her colors,  maintaining attention, patterns and other great skills.
We started with our COLORS. We've been talking about colors while we color or do puzzles or other things but tonight we started sorting with our COLORS. I got some great ideas from Pinterest, went to the Dollar Tree and got to work (a.k.a 'fun and play').

Now I always tell everyone, this is not the verb 'to color' - this is the noun like 'what COLOR do you want.' This is an ASL concept, which can be different in other sign languages. 

Not that I used a sign for pom poms, but now she asks to play with her 'pom poms'. Sure! Let's go play with the pom poms! 

The coolest coolest part -- when I would say/sign the colors, I could see her concentration on my hand signing. She then try to imitate. No, I'm not saying she got it right away, these signs are a little tricky but you know what. When she asks for colors snacks in the future or color crayons in the future and she pairs the sign with the spoken words, I'll understand her 100%!

I'm all ears (hehe) to hear other toddler-friendly activities you use to teach colors and sorting!

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