Friday, January 11, 2013

"ASL Baby Sign" iPad App review & giveaway

Sign Language App Review & Giveway!
"ASL Baby Sign"

I had the opportunity of reviewing a great app!

"ASL Baby Sign" application on the iPad is definitely under estimated by being called “ASL Baby Sign.” This app clearly has the capabilities of helping educators, parents, and other individuals desiring to learn sign language. "ASL Baby Sign" has awesome features unexpected in an ASL app – especially named “ASL Baby Sign.”

What I expected:
  • Simple basic signs that can be taught to an infant, toddler, and young child.
  • Basic flashcards child-friendly.

What I saw:
  • An experienced interpreter signing 170+ signs
  • Cute cartoons used
  • The word presented with the sign and audio

What I didn’t expected:
  • The awesome feature to edit the words on the screen (not that you want to edit them too much – I found the signs quite reliable but perhaps you wanted to put a capital letter versus a lower case or make it say “D for dog”).
  • The ability to record your own voice so the person using the app hears that familiarity.
  •  The ability to add pictures to the photo gallery for potentially better recognition of the sign (how cool!)
  •  All this hard work you put into it can of course be saved (bonus) for future uses.
  • The low price of $1.99

I was highly impressed. My expectations clearly were not in the same mind set as this app. I was expecting something strictly young child friendly and that’s it but I guess the therapist and educator in me saw this app having so much more potential than it’s title leads it to believe.

So with that being said, its negative:
  •    The title!

It clearly doesn’t portray all the great things this ASL app can do with a title like “ASL Baby Sign.” So many of the apps geared towards babies and sign language are so basic. This was not! 

I highly recommend this app for parents and educators. If you didn't previously check out our ASL Dictionary app review (from the same company, AppSavers), click here!

Here you go! Good luck to the FIVE lucky winners of this great ASL Baby Sign app redemption code!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can check them out on Facebook


  1. Nice review....really makes me interested in the app.

  2. Looks great! I'm always looking for more ways to learn ASL!

  3. I have to admit that the title did not compel me to take a look at it...your review however has made me want to check it out. Thanks!

  4. Lovely! Wanting a great app to be able to use ASL better. Thanks!

  5. This looks like it would be great for my 2 year old!

  6. A friend of mine has been telling me bout this app! As an SLP , i would love to win this!!!

  7. Looks like a great way to learn/teach sign!

  8. This looks amazing! As an SLP and mom very interested in signing, I would love this app!

  9. A wonderful way to communicate with non verbal children ..trying to learn to help my son

    -Rachel D
    -Lacy K
    -Johnna P
    - Kirsten B R
    - Irene W

    Please email me ASAP to get your redemption code!!
