Thursday, July 5, 2012

WHERE Have I Been!?

WHERE have I been!?
compliments of Sign2Me (r) 
WHERE have I been?! I’m always busy so that’s not the excuse! Starting two Saturdays ago I was having migraines daily and some that lasted into the next day. My husband – the big problem solver said, “it’s because you keep looking down at your computer!”.  So my solution: splurge and buy a desktop! Well that turned into the biggest ordeal. I love my Mac and Apple products but this wasn’t a good experience. Long story short, Apple kept my new desktop and my laptop that I have attached to my hip 24/7 for 48 hours. Needless to say I wasn’t productive. Homework was turned in not by my standard, I was late to class online because my old laptop was pre-historic apparently and didn’t like Java, the sign language files were MIA and this is just part of the saga.

For those who don’t know, I am a doctoral student at Nova Southeastern University getting my Speech Language Pathology Doctorate. So next week I have to go back down to Florida for dissertation workshops and meetings.  I don’t know how the Sign of the Day will go during that adventure but I’m going to try my best.

My headaches have improved with my limited computer time. But I still have big plans for HearMyHands! Our summer classes start soon. We still have great products that we’re helping awesome families with. We have a new website building this summer with some specular surprises coming soon! I have some amazing updates from Ms. Little Fingers - some signs and some words! 

Have a great summer! And Keep Calm and Sign On!

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