Sunday, June 3, 2012

sign: DIABETES for the Health post of the month from Housel Fun & Fitness

Please enjoy our monthly post from Housel Fun and Fitness. This month he discusses the importance of understanding our bodies and health related to diabetes.


     “In 1995 only 4 states had diabetes rates above 6%.  Today 43 states have diabetes rates over 7%” (1)
·    “As many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050 if current trends continue, according to a new analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”(2)
It is believed that up to 1 in 3 children in our schools will have diabetes in their lifetime.  The silver lining is the word “IF”; IF current trends continue. 
      ·     What are the current trends?  Type 2 diabetes rates have been on the rise for years. 
                  ·     What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes?  Excessive weight gain, obesity,     and a sedentary lifestyle are all factors that put a person at risk for type 2 diabetes. (3)
                  ·      What can be done about it? 
o   We need to try to get ensure that our kids get 60 minutes of vigorous physical activity a day.  For physical activity suggestions check out our Fun and Fitness Blog at
o    We need to ensure that our kids are eating a healthy well balanced diet.  For nutrition suggestions check out

(1)     Statistics taken from the August 1st 2011 Updated Obesity Statistics on the National Council on Strength and Fitness website.  
(2)     Quoted from the 2010 Center For Disease Control and Prevention October 22nd, 2010 News Release

Sign is two parts (it's a 5 handshapes, and the dominant hand's fingers wiggle down, in front, and past the non-dominant hand.

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