Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sign and Read Time! Moo La La!

I love my Sign and Read times! 

Lil and I are get into a book or two every day (besides for the bedtime read - because what I'm learning is I can't sign while I'm trying to put her down for sleep because she's just too interested!). 

I have tons of favorites. I'll be posting more and more as the days go on. But to start I have Moo La La By Sandra Boynton because Lil has a Sandra Boynton section on her short bookshelf that she goes to religiously. 

Today's only the first few pages because those are the pages we recite all day, in the car, while we playing - she loves it!
Here it is in Google Docs (psst - here!)


  1. This is one of my favorite books. I can't wait to do this with my baby. I would be so grateful if you could share this with my readers at my Mom's Library Link Up at Thanks!

  2. This is my daughter's favorite book! we do Sign Language with her, but I never thought of signing any of her books! What a great idea, I must start doing this.

    New follower, hope you'll check out my blog -- Look for the post "A Conversation" it depicts how she's signing to communicate :)
