Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Did you KNOW... ?

Did you KNOW learning sign language is growing in popularity? (Thanks to you!)
Sign: KNOW

Did you KNOW we have some great things up our sleeves including "Teaching Tuesdays," where you will find tips to teach others ASL and how to use it in your home, school, and facility. We'll wait until after May's Better Speech and Hearing Month is over though. Some other things are so hot, we can't talk about them yet!

Did you KNOW American Sign Language...

  1. is a complete complex language 
  2. is not universal (meaning if you go to France or Spain you will find their sign language there).
  3. originated with assistance of Thomas Gallaudet of Washington D.C and Laurent Clerc from France over 200 years ago.
  4. is one of the top 5 languages in the US, Canada, and parts of Mexico
  5. is recognized as a second/foreign language requirement in almost all colleges and now a growing number of high schools.
  6. is not word order like English
  7. is different depending on regions of the US and the age of the signer (meaning, it changes over time like any other language).
  8. Gallaudet University was the first Deaf college located in Washington D.C. 

* Info thanks to www.nidcd.nih.gov & me.

Did you KNOW we still have spots in our classes coming up! Go check them out! (click here)

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