Wednesday, April 25, 2012

sign: NEXT for WTSW

For What's the Sign Wednesday we are taking a request from last Wednesday from Jennifer H. (on Facebook)

Sign: NEXT
This is a tricky one (you guys ask for the tricky ones!). The reason I say that though is because it really depends on the situation. I have it signed for two different situations but there's definitely more. It depends. For those who were interested in NEXT - what's your context? Put it in a sentence for us. Below you will see NEXT as in 'your turn' and NEXT as in NEXT TO the --[fill in the blank].

If the images are not clear for you let me know and I will find another picture or take them myself.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. My daughters speech pathologist and I are trying to add more signs to Lilly's vocab. Have you ever thought of doing videos on signs to help people learn them?
