Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Mark from Housel Fun and Fitness asked on Monday (he beat everyone to the chase!) for EAT HEALTHY. It goes along with our monthly post 60 and WATER

EAT HEALTHY - important part of life! I firmly believe in looking at the whole body - not just my moving fingers! I try to instill the same philosophies with Little Fingers making her EAT well-rounded meals. 

What's the Sign Wednesday ... EAT HEALTHY!

the fists are coming coming out from the shoulders like strong & confident
Because you are HEALTHY!

For all those other great submissions, you will see them during future WTSWs! They are always appreciated and I will try my best to do them throughout the week if they are appropriate (e.g. you'll see Earth Day soon because it's this weekend!) or on other WTSWs. 

Many Thanks!!

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