Tuesday, April 3, 2012

500 Fan Giveaway! THANK YOU!

It's up and running! 

Follow us on Facebook (which most of you already are), follow us on Pinterest, comment on this post, and/or follow us on Twitter - whichever you'd like or all of the above - come win some great sign language products! We have a bundle of sign language goodies to giveaway!  Thank you for your support! We're four months new, over 500 fans on Facebook, over 125 followers on our site, over 10,000 views on our site, and we've only just started! Thank you Thank you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats and thanks for having the site and FB page. You've got a lot of great resources that my little hearing guy loves but, they still interest his Hard of Hearing big brother. I just wanted you to know that you all are appreciated! Thanks again for all you do!

  2. JandDsmom - thanks for the comment! love to hear from the fans!

    Everyone else - please remember to leave a comment if you do fact take the entry for leaving a blog post. Thanks!

  3. I taught sign ti my son as a baby and toddler and swear that it made a huge impact on his learning! My sister is doing it now with her little guy and is due in May so I would give it to them!

  4. I would win this for my 2 year old. We have already started teaching her and she loves it and is learning so quickly. Any help would be great!

  5. If I win, I will be giving these to my niece. =) Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.

  6. A little boy I know who is friends with my daughter and deaf.

  7. I would be using them for me and my kiddos. I am profoundly deaf

  8. I would love to win this as we try to teach our kids how to communicate with everyone--even our autistic son can speak some Spanish and a small amount of sign language. He would be the one to benefit the most from winning this.

  9. How awesome, my daughter would benefit. she's been trying to learn to communicate with a friend.

  10. Im a new fan on Facebook - would love to win to share with a dear friend. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. This would be for my niece. She's two and then when my daughter gets old enough, she'll use it too! Because I am hearing impaired, it means a lot to me to have my loved ones learn this!

  12. Way to Go on expanding your sites with so many fans! I know your community will grow quickly. I would love to win for my 7 yr old daughter. She does not use speech to communicate, partly bc of her tracheostomy, partly bc of brain damage, but we taught her sign language when she was 3 years old! Would love to expand her vocabulary! Awesome giveaway, thanks for the opportunity :-) Best wishes. www.mypuffycheeks.com

  13. My kiddos and I are going to use this. I'm so eager to teach them ASL.

  14. My kids and I would use this...specifically for my almost 5 month old. Thanks for the chance!

  15. I'm going to use this giveaway. :)

  16. Our daughter Bethany has Down Syndrome and Autism. Bethany is non verbal and we sign as our method of communication.


  17. I will be using this bundle
    Thanks for a great giveaway and site!!

    Sharon S
    lunrei at yahoo dot com

  18. I am going to share them with my clients at work

  19. I would like to learn myself! My nephew is learning some sign at daycare.

  20. I will give this fabulous prize to my daughter (she's almost 17). She is very interested in sign language and started teaching herself years ago while watching "Signing Time" I think she'd try to teach her nephew how to sign ;)
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. I would give them to my mother. She has been trying to learn sign language for awhile now with no luck.

    - Chelsea Saulpaugh

  22. This would be for my daughter (and me to use with her!)


  23. Myself, my children and my nieces will use this!

  24. New follower through GFC, Networked blogs and like on fb
    grabbing your button - will add to my "button swap" on my sidebar - would love for you to visit my blog, and possibly grab my button as well


    love your site!

  25. I would use this with all 3 of my kids. I have an 8, 5 and 1 year old. I took sign in college and I love the language. I think it is beautiful and so expressive. My older kids still express interest in different signs and my youngest is using and picking up signs quickly. I personally think that using sign language helps make the communication complications a little easier, turning the terrible twos into the terrific twos!

  26. i will use it for church and with my nephew who is autistic and he is learning sign language at school. thanks

  27. I will use them to continue teaching myself. I will continue to teach my children and they will come in handy for work when signing is necessary (or teaching sign to my clientele!)

  28. I taught the children baby signs when they were infants and it was so helpful when they were not yet able to talk, and this would be used for all 4 children and I! Would be great for all of us!

    sistermomy at hotmail dot com

  29. If I won I would use them with my daughter

  30. I would use them with my nephew. Thanks for the chance. :)

  31. These would be for the children I know!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  32. Knowledge is empowerment. I firmly believe you get back what you instill in your children. So I would share this entire bundle with my family so we all can embrace the learning and pay it forward.

    eva urban

  33. Me! I have a deaf friend whom I would like to be able to communicate better with so this would really help!


  34. i would be - i have always wanted to learn!

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

  35. This would be for my toddler. I want to teach him
    masugr atyahoo dot com

  36. If I win, i will be using them with my daughter

  37. I'm a special education teacher. I teach some students that are non-verbal, due to autism or Down's Syndrome. I would use this awesome giveaway with them. :)

  38. I would like these for myself as I am a substitute teacher now but will be a full time one come this Fall. I will be in a school for those who have special needs and one of the classes will be for the hard of hearing. I would love to win this to get a head start.
