Thursday, March 1, 2012

sign: WATER

Join us for our first monthly post from Mark of Housel Fitness on health and fitness. We know sign language helps cognition and language growth, but we think your physical health is just as important!
Tip Of The Month
Drinking plenty of WATER is crucial to living a healthy active lifestyle.  There isn’t a system in the body that isn’t directly affected by the intake of WATER.  

Here are a few examples of what WATER does in the body.
·         Keeps its temperature normal.
·         Helps with brain function
·         Lubricates and cushions your joints.
·         Protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.
·         Helps body get rid of wastes.
Compliments of Sign2Me
WATER: Make a "W" at the mouth.


  1. Love you blog design and it's message!

    Following you on the Linky Follower Hop. I am your newest GFC follower.

  2. Thank you Patricia,
    I appreciate your positive words. We enjoy what we do and love signing with others

  3. This is so timely. From where I live it's almost summer time but the heat is already horrible! Water will be so important for kids now more than ever since it feels like we're in a sauna during the daytime.
