Monday, March 12, 2012


We had a great birthday party CELEBRATION this weekend! We have lots of THANK YOUs to give out to all our friends and family and those who helped make the day possible.

The day was great; Lil opened her gifts, dug into her ice cream cake and regular vanilla/chocolate cake with the awesome buttercream icing - yum! 

1. Sherri from Sherri's Hobby Shop for not only Lil's great banners and cake topper signs, but the awesome surprise gift to Lil from her favorite aunt - this awesome sign (in the background)!
The sign to measure her height annually is in the background  (above)
(below) - we hung it up, but she won't stay still long enough to measure 
and take the picture!

2. Adia Photography for Lil's first year old pictures  (pictures coming soon)
3. L&M Bakery for the awesome cake 
These are the some of the cake toppers I was referring to earlier.
And - do you see Hopkins!? (from Signing Time). 
4. Holiday Ice Cream for the great ice cream cake
5. Dragonflies and Ladybugs for her cute outfit!
I know, it's hard to see. A better picture coming soon!
It's a cute cupcake with one candle on her dress

6. and of course all our friends and family for her awesome gifts and love they have for our precious baby girl! 


  1. happy birthday!!! looks like a very fun celebration..good for all of you!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy Thursday!

  2. Love the measuring board! I keep trying to get my hubby to make one for our girls. Very cute.
    Laundry Care
