Monday, March 5, 2012

sign: AGAIN Versatile Award

Thank you to all your new followers and fans and LoveBlissLife for giving us another Versatile Award! We're honored to receive three during our first month open! We set a high bar last month and we hope to continue filling the need and having you enjoy all our signing posts!

Our First Award click here
Our Second Award click here

Obviously, there are many ways to use the sign AGAIN
  • teaching dance class and you ask the children to do the routine AGAIN
  • in physical therapy and you ask the child to move their limb or do that therapy move AGAIN
  • you need to practice more, more AGAIN!
  • throwing your son up in the air and he says AGAIN (now you can teach the sign)
(it's a two parter)

We're happy to win such awards but we're even more honored that we're getting such positivity from our new followers, fans, friends, and family. Thank you!

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