Friday, March 9, 2012


I have to dedicate this post to Little Fingers, a.k.a. Lil - she's turning the big one tomorrow and I just can't believe it!

We'll have tons of pictures to show next week of the great event but we're both just so happy and proud of her. At one, she's:
  •  walking 4 steps
  • babbling like it's no one's business
  • imitating anything and everything we do
  • crawling faster than we can catch her
  • playing with the dog like he's her best friend (and he's actually ok with it!)
  • eating so many great home-made foods
  • loving her real milk and not minding being off the formula
  • doing ok with her mouth full of teeth!
  • standing and squatting like she's at the gym!
  • sleeping through the night
  • loving her walks and car rides (that is her toy car, not mommy's car - not that she hates it but put it this way, there's no longs trips!)
She's just all grown up! Happy Birthday Lil!

I love Signing Time's Series 2 DVD 2 
Happy Birthday To You

Signing Time Series 2 Vol. 2: Happy Birthday to You - Preview from Signing Time on Vimeo.

Love it so much - I want to offer it to you for 20% in honor of Lil's birthday! Interested in this one week offer? Email us!

This is for Lil - Happy Birthday! Mommy is proud of you!

Variation - meaning literally BIRTH and DAY
(a little more graphic than my preferred way below)

His BIRTH sign is confusing but it's clarified above,
but his HAPPY is good & his DAY is good :)

I just thought this fingerspelled H-A-P-P-Y  B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y was clever :)
This is the variation to BIRTHDAY 
                                   that I use! (See just like in English, 
                                   there's variations to signs!)

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