Monday, February 13, 2012

sign: MOMMY

As I mentioned before in my previous post about how we use sign in our daily lives (Click here!) - one of the signs I started using while we are playing is MOMMY when I talk about who Lil is playing with. 

I am starting to use it on other settings to when I am referencing myself. I use it when I'm changing her diaper ("MOMMY's changing your diaper, diaper, diaper, MOMMY's changing your diaper, da-da-de-da-da"). Hey - what can I say, I make everything into a song!

When do you think you could use MOMMY?
ASL for Mom
Compliments of Sign2Me

Yesterday was a big day for my MOM too! 
We threw her a surprise birthday party! 
So yes that would be Lil's MOM MOM (remember that sign from before! Here!). 

Happy Birthday MOM!


  1. I found you through the blog hop. I'm your newest follower. Check me out at

  2. Happy Birthday to your Mom! new follower from the blog hop would love a follow back.

  3. I too found you from Make My Morning Blog Hop. My mom is an interpreter and it is something I have always wanted to become more proficient in. Following from

  4. found you through the make my morning blog hop. I took an ASL class in college and taught some signs to my class when I was a preschool teacher. Now I'm teaching my 13 month old! I'm here from

  5. I found you through Make My Morning I love your blog! I'm following you now! If you want you can visit me.
