Sunday, February 5, 2012

sign: CAR. 5 CAR rides this week alone!

We are very fortunate that our best friends have generously passed down all their clothes from their daughter and any toy, gadget and you-name-it baby-related item that they no longer need and gave it to us! :)! yah!

Lil riding down the street!
Our newest hand-me-down was a car for Lil! Of course, it's winter in the North East and needless to say - not always appropriate time to go outside and take Lil for rides! We were blessed with nice weather last weekend. So with her head cold (see yesterday's blog on Lilly's head cold ) and all we bundled Lil up and went outside! She loved it!!! We took 4 rides just between Saturday and Sunday alone! And I plan on continuing to bundling her up and taking out for as long as the weather lets us :)! Watch out nice weather - we'll be outside daily! She didn't want to hold onto the steering wheel. With a big smile on her face, her arms out like spread open wide, she squeeled 'yaaaaahhh' down our street like, 'look at me mom, no hands!' - it was one of the memorable moments for me. Absolutely loved it!

compliments of Sign2Me


  1. Glad you were able to get outside for a bit, head cold and all, hope she feels better soon!

  2. Thanks Kim!
    I actually just emailed you :)
