Monday, January 2, 2012

Wish the baby knew the sign HELP

Friday night I was feeding Lil some apples that I was peeling and pureeing some for her to make baby food. She loved munching on the whole peeled apple with her teeny gnawing marks on what appears to be a large apple in front of her small face. So I peeled a single thin layer of the apple off for her to nibble on. The family was in town for the New Years weekend and Cmas part II. We were all around the kitchen table. I proceeded to get the food processor out and begin making her food when my sister called out, "something's wrong. .. Something's wrong!" Some reason I didn't take her seriously, but the next thing I knew I turned around and my husband was performing acts we learned in our annual CPR classes! Lil was truly choking! Her face was as red as the original apple before I peeled it. Her eyes were huge ... she was so scared!

Thinking back, I wonder wow it would be nice if she learned the sign for HELP relatively quickly ugh?...  Not that she would have it in her to sign HELP when she's choking, but I know there will be more times in her life in the near future that could be of benefit to know the sign HELP. So ... sign of the week: HELP!


  1. SO scary!!! Oh my goodness. SO happy she is OK!!

  2. Oh my goodness, that would be so terrifying! I'm glad everything was okay. I can't wait for my LL to start learning sign language.
    Jessica - new follower from MBC.

  3. I LOVE your blog! One of my best friends taught both of her kids to sign when they were young. I am so amazing how much it eases a lot of their frustration! I'm a new BloggyMoms follower & look forward to your future posts!
    Stop by if you have time:

  4. Thank you Tess for the positive words!
    ~ Kristy
