Friday, January 27, 2012

sign: BUBBLES in Tubby Time!

Lil loves her bath as I mentioned before. For Christmas she got a bubble maker from her grandmother. Needless to say, the battery died within two weeks. Her baths are only 10 - 15 minutes but it's on the whole time she in that tub the little machine is on. Again, since it's my husband job ("tubby time"), he's signing to her BUBBLES BUBBLES as she's reaching up with her little baby marshmallow arms giggling and laughing. We haven't moved the bubble situation outside of the tub but I do foresee our springs and summers full of bubbles.

Being the speech therapist in me - I already know what great language and signs I can use to bring about more signs and more speech! But -  you'll have to stay tuned 'til the spring. I can't give it all away right now! ;)
compliments of Sign2Me
Sign: BUBBLES: pointer finger to thumb (both hands
in an upward motion)


  1. Hiya I am a new follower on GFC, Twitter and facebook. Found you on Mom blog society.

    If you wish to follow me back you can find my blog at

    I also help others to promote giveaways if you ever wish to list your giveaways with us. We have an always open linkie in our sidebar and a submit your giveaway link to have them appear in our post section.

    Take care
    Kevin @ Linkies Contest Linkies

  2. I found the sign for bubbles amusing. I don't know how to sign but it would be lovely to teach this to my 4 year old. He's going to enjoy this.

    By the way, dropping by from the tattle tale blog hop. Happy weekend!

  3. Anne - Thanks!! We're happy to amuse :) If you are looking for a sign or ways to start using sign - stay tuned and/or ask a question. We loved to help where we can! You're 4 year old will love it!

    Happy signing weekend!
