Sunday, January 15, 2012

Expo = Success! Sign: THANK YOU!

We wanted to thank everyone today for visiting us at the South Jersey Mom Summer Camp Expo at the Moorestown Mall! We had a great turn out! It was awesome to hear our clapping hands throughout the whole mall! It was a success and we have you to thank! We are excited to launch two series of Mommy&Me classes and Intro to Adult Conversational Sign classes. Check out "Classes" page for all the info! Thank you again! We were overwhelmed by the number of awesome people we met. Also - we had some great conversations about the speech/language services we are able to offer through Speech Language Associates ... THANK YOU!
Sign: THANK YOU compliments of LabelandLearn(r)


  1. Great blog. I am now following and eager t learn how to teach our 1 year old to sign. I found your blog at MBC. Hugs & Blessings.

  2. Welcome! Thanks for joining our growing crowd! Stay posted - our goal for 2012 is video tutorials for those who can't join our classes locally :)! If you have any questions about signing with your little one, please feel free to ask!
    Happy Signing!

