Saturday, January 7, 2012

Baby now knows MILK!

I think this is a great way to me to document baby's signing progress :)! We now have sign #3. MILK
Not only sign #3, but my husband taught her! My husband simply had the bottle in his hand, signed MILK in his other hand and let her imitation skills do the rest! She did it immediately! I tried it myself the next day because of course I had to see for myself first before I say 'yah, she knows MILK!' And she did it - with a smile on her face! So ... next question .. what's sign #4? Umm.. what do you think? I'm thinking MOMMY but maybe I shouldn't be selfish :) PLAY? ... UP? ... POTTY?


  1. Never tried this with Matilda :) You'll have to let me know how it goes I pretty much know everything she wants now she's 9 months old.
    Saw your post on MBC so I stopped in for a visit :)

  2. Saw your post on MBC and I'm so glad I did! What a fantastic blog - new follower!

    Can't wait to read new posts!

    Stop by when you get a chance -

  3. I can think of one. What about "nap?". Your baby may not need it, but you will *need* her to nap. :-))

    I am following from MBC.

    Imelda @

  4. Found you through MBC. Great blog!!

  5. Hi and thank you for visiting and joining my blog at Yes! I am so looking forward to reading your blog regularly. Sign language is something that I have always wanted to learn and me and my 2 oldest children took a class several years ago. But, as with anything, you loose it if you don't use it.
